COVID19: how to approach cleaning in your school
If you've had a suspected case of COVID-19 at your Educational premises you will need to carry out a deep clean to all areas. It is unlikely that you'll need to close the school to do this. Your local health protection team will contact you to carry out a risk assessment and advise whether or not a deep clean is necessary.
Implementing protective measures guidance
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces often using standard cleaning products, such as detergents and bleach.
Discuss with cleaning contractors or staff the additional cleaning requirements and agree additional hours to allow for this.
Clean surfaces that children and young people are touching, such as toys, books, desks, chairs, doors, sinks, toilets, light switches, bannisters, more regularly than normal.
Ensure that bins for tissues are emptied throughout the day.
Wash hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds, and after removing gloves, aprons and other protection used while cleaning
Increase your regular cleaning schedule
Speak to your cleaning staff to agree additional hours for touch point cleaning. Whilst it is not a requirement to deep clean on a regular basis (only when someone has symptoms of, or confirmed COVID-19), we do advise that a monthly deep clean is vital at this current time.
However, enhanced regular cleaning is required, and your cleaning staff will need to clean:
Frequently-touched objects between use by different groups.
Sports, art and science equipment
Outdoor playground equipment
Hard toys (you shouldn't have soft toys in school during coronavirus)
Dining halls
Rooms and shared areas more frequently, and between use by different groups. Try to reduce clutter, and remove items that are difficult to clean, throughout your school where you can to make cleaning easier. And the following Public Health England guidance for:
Surfaces and belongings can be contaminated with COVID-19 when people who are infectious cough or sneeze or touch them. Transmission of COVID-19 can occur when someone else then touches the contaminated surface or item. The person may become infected if they touch their nose, eyes or mouth with a contaminated hand or object. Increased frequency of cleaning of general room surfaces reduces the presence of the virus and the risk of contact.
Cleaning and disinfection Regular cleaning plays a vital role in limiting the transmission of COVID-19. Reducing clutter and removing difficult to clean items can make cleaning easier. Increase the frequency of cleaning, using standard cleaning products such as detergents and bleach, paying attention to all surfaces but especially ones that are touched frequently, such as door handles, light switches, work surfaces, remote controls and electronic devices.
Coronavirus Deep Cleaning & Virus Decontamination
We are a Nationwide cleaning company based in London. We have specialist teams that work on a daily basis providing Covid-19 Deep Cleaning and Fogging Decontamination Services to Educational facilities such as:-
Post-16 academies
Junior, middle, upper, schools
School-based nurseries
Boarding schools
Educational facilities
Our full sanitisation and disinfection fogging process uses powerful virucidal germicides and protectants, leaving all surfaces sanitised and virus free. By using specialist powerful dry steam fogging machines, we are able to cover vast areas without missing any surfaces or the need to wipe afterwards. The sanitiser lands dry on all surfaces hard or soft, without causing any harm and offers a full covering of disinfectant.
Our COVID-19 sanitising teams are available 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, with average arrival times just over one hour, depending on location. call our hotline on 0800 0234 058.